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Mordecai Anielewicz

Mordecai Anielewicz

Mordecai Anielewicz

Mordecai Anielewicz was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1919. After finishing secondary school Anielewicz joined the Zionist movement and became a full-time organizer of the movement. When the German Army invaded Poland in September 1939, Anielewicz managed...

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Charles Francis Adams III

Charles Francis Adams III

Charles Francis Adams III

Charles Francis Adams III, (born Aug. 2, 1866, Quincy, Mass., U.S.—died June 11, 1954, Boston, Mass.), American lawyer and businessman, government official, yachtsman, and philanthropist who made Harvard University one of the most abundantly endowed academic...

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Première Guerre mondiale

Première Guerre mondiale

Première Guerre mondiale

DÉCLENCHEMENT DE LA PREMIÈRE GUERRE MONDIALE La Première Guerre mondiale constitua le premier grand conflit international du XXe siècle. L'assassinat de l'archiduc François-Ferdinand, héritier du trône austro-hongrois, et de sa femme, l'archiduchesse...

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La Seconde Guerre mondiale

La Seconde Guerre mondiale

La Seconde Guerre mondiale

La Shoah prit place dans le contexte plus large de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Encore sous le choc de la défaite allemande de la Première Guerre mondiale, le régime hitlérien cherchait à conquérir un nouvel empire, un vaste "espace vital" (Lebensraum)...

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Le procès de Nuremberg et de Tokyo

Le procès de Nuremberg et de Tokyo

Le procès de Nuremberg et de Tokyo

Le dossier C’est à Nuremberg, la ville des immenses rassemblements nazis, que se tient, du 20 novembre 1945 au 1er octobre 1946, un grand procès mettant en accusation les hauts responsables du IIIe Reich. En avril 1946, un second procès débute à Tokyo. Procès...

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Schirach, Baldur von (1907-1974)

Schirach, Baldur von (1907-1974)

Schirach, Baldur von (1907-1974)

Der Mann, der Hitlers Jugend führte Er schrieb Gedichte, liebte Goethes „Faust“ und die Neunte Symphonie von Beethoven, aber vor allem vergötterte er Adolf Hitler. Baldur von Schirach, geboren 1907 in Weimar, war erst 17 Jahre, als er Hitler zum ersten...

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Emilio De Bono

Emilio De Bono

Emilio De Bono

Italian general and politician. Emilio De Bono, (born March 19, 1866, Cassano d’Adda, Italy—died Jan. 11, 1944, Verona), Italian general, an early convert to Fascism who helped the party’s founder and chief, Benito Mussolini, gain power. Entering the...

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Giovanni Gentile

Giovanni Gentile

Giovanni Gentile

Italian philosopher. Giovanni Gentile, (born May 30, 1875, Castelvetrano, Italy—died April 15, 1944, Florence), major figure in Italian idealist philosophy, politician, educator, and editor, sometimes called the “philosopher of Fascism.” His “actual idealism”...

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Roberto Farinacci

Roberto Farinacci

Roberto Farinacci

Italian politician. Roberto Farinacci, (born Oct. 16, 1892, Isernia, Italy—died April 28, 1945, Vimercate), radical Italian politician and Fascist ras, or local party boss, who helped Benito Mussolini rise to power in 1922 and who became an important...

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Italo Balbo

Italo Balbo

Italo Balbo

Italian aviator. Italo Balbo, (born June 6, 1896, near Ferrara, Italy—died June 28, 1940, Tobruk, Libya), Italian airman and fascist leader who played a decisive role in developing Benito Mussolini’s air force. After studying at Florence University and...

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Les camps nazis

Les camps nazis

Les camps nazis

Entre 1933 et 1945, l'Allemagne nazie établit environ 20 000 camps afin d'y incarcérer ses millions de victimes. Ces camps remplirent de multiples fonctions : ils servirent de camps de travaux forcés, de camps de transit ou de camps de mise à mort construits...

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Introduction à la Shoah

Introduction à la Shoah

Introduction à la Shoah

La Shoah — mot hébreu signifiant "catastrophe" — désigne la persécution et l'extermination systématiques et bureaucratiques d'environ 6 millions de Juifs, par le régime nazi et ses collaborateurs. Le terme grec "Holocauste" qui signifie "sacrifice par...

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Les procès des criminels de guerre

Les procès des criminels de guerre

Les procès des criminels de guerre

Après le génocide, la loi fut un moyen d'obtenir justice. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des tribunaux internationaux et nationaux jugèrent des personnes accusées d'être des criminels de guerre. A partir de l'hiver 1942, les gouvernements des puissances...

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Robert Ley

Robert Ley

Robert Ley

Robert Ley, the seventh of eleven children, was born on 15th February, 1890. When he was a child, his father got deeply into debt and tried to raise insurance money to repay it by setting fire to his farm. Richard Evans has argued: "To judge from Ley's...

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Robert Ley

Robert Ley

Robert Ley

Portrait of Robert Ley In 1933, after all German trade unions were dissolved, Robert Ley (1890-1945) established the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF; German Labor Front). As head of the DAF, whose membership totaled 25 million, Ley was known as the "undisputed...

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Sipo-SD du Mans

Sipo-SD du Mans

Sipo-SD du Mans

Le SIPO-SD du Mans, qui dépendait de l'antenne régionale d'Angers, se trouvait 92, rue des Fontaines, actuellement rue des Victimes du nazisme. Ce document donne les noms des membres de la Gestapo au Mans, ainsi que leurs grades Tous les interrogatoires...

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Hans Jüttner

Hans Jüttner

Hans Jüttner

Hans Jüttner SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS. Nr SS - 264 497 (wstąpił w dn. 17.05.1935). Nr NSDAP - 541 163 (wstąpił w dn. 01.06.1931). Urodzony - 02.03.1894 r. w Schmiegel, (Prowincja Posen). Zmarł - 24.05.1965 r. w Bad Tölz. Promocje:...

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Albert Einstein Biography

Albert Einstein Biography

Albert Einstein Biography

Albert Einstein was great scientist. He is often regarded as the father of modern physics. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Albert...

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Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Biography

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Biography

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Biography

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz was born on February 22, 1857, in a well-to-do family in Hamburg, Germany. His parents began his education with the intention of shaping his career in architecture and engineering. But soon they realized his interest in pure science...

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